Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Why I think people should celebrate Valentine’s!!!

We live in a crazy world, where people forget to wash their faces occasionally or forget to say hi to one another. We live in a world of sticky notes and post its to remind us of what we should do. In this world of continuous rush, we tend to forget lots of stuff; we forget the stuff that don’t gain us something in return. We forget our feelings and the feelings of our close ones in the rush of our daily life. Even though people in the past didn't have that kind of rush or that kind of life, they knew that some of the most important yet simple things in life would one day be forgotten. So, they created days of celebration for us to remember the things that we tend to forget, like birthdays or mother’s day or…Valentine’s Day!

There are so many stories about Valentine’s Day that go around the world explaining why people celebrate it and how it began. The story I know and believe is this:

In the era of a very unjust roman emperor lived a saint called Saint Valentine. The roman emperor prohibited his soldiers from getting married so they remain dedicated to his wars. Some of the soldiers couldn’t help but fall in love like any normal people would do, but they had to keep their love a secret. Only Saint Valentine knew, and out of his belief of their right to love and wed, he helped those soldiers marry their loved ones. Of course shortly after, the emperor found out and captured the saint. And to make an example of someone who massively disobeyed his orders, the emperor ordered the execution of Saint Valentine to prevent anyone else from ever disobeying him. The saint was executed on February the 14th. To commemorate what he’s done for them, the soldiers decided to celebrate their love on the same day the saint died as he had died so their love could live.
Now, this might or not be the real story but I like to believe it is.

If you have someone in your life that you love and care about, you should cherish and honor this love everyday for it’s already so rare to find. But if we are gonna forget to express our love, if we might sometimes even be cruel to the people we love and neglect them and not give them the attention and care they deserve, what is wrong with having one day in the year reminding us to do what we should be doing the entire year. What is wrong with having a day to make up for the bad moments, the hard moments life puts us through?! What is wrong with an alarm clock going off every February 14th telling you to wake up and do something extraordinary for the one sharing your life with its ups and downs?!
I think that we should celebrate Valentine’s Day. Everyone should go out and do something nice for their partner. Even if you do it the whole year, which nobody does, it doesn’t hurt to do it one more day. It’s not bad to conform to an international day of love; it’s the idea that counts. If you’re so bothered by conforming, create your own Valentine’s Day, as long as you do what it takes to let your partner know you appreciate their existence in your life. It doesn’t have to be February 14th; it doesn’t have to be a fancy gift, just a token of appreciation and gratitude and love towards your partner…that’s the idea of Valentine’s Day!!!

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