Saturday, February 4, 2012

Life as I know it!

I've existed in this life for 23 years, 6 months, and 14 days, not much, huh?! Well, not enough to build a perspective on life, I know, but this is how I see it.
There's countless things in life that we have and should be thankful for, and we need to remind ourselves of some of them each day because sometimes we get so soaked in our daily routine life that we forget the things that matter the most and we take them for granted. Nothing should be taken for granted, simply because in a second everything can change. Change can be good, most change is, but even if your life changed for better and you realized that you didn't take your time to appreciate whatever you're leaving behind, you'd still carry some regret. Like our childhood, we change because we grow up and we always seem to be restless about it, but if we didn't enjoy and appreciate our childhood while we're living it, we would grow up to regret not to.
No one should ever race through his life without taking a pause every once in a while to look around and see where he's become, to evaluate how well he's doing and cherish everything he gained along the journey. Yes, evaluate! Because we weren't given the gift of life just to carelessly throw it away by living and not living at the same time. A person should not count as a living person unless he is grateful for the gift he was given. If you truly did appreciate life, every day would be like a class; a class where you learn a lesson, take a little assignment, test how well you learned it, and on to the next class. This is exactly how life works, except it's not optional. Whether or not you learned your lesson, life goes on. It’s your choice to be on board - all cozy and comfy- or you can be chasing it and never catch it. But the trick is to remember: even if you're cozy and comfy, you can be kicked out any second. So, if you've to live anyways and there's no way you could know when you'll be out of it, you might as well enjoy the ride.
Also, there are other countless things in life that we don't have and should look forwards to. No matter how good your life is, or how happy and content you are with what you have, there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting more and better and more.
For example, education…it is a non-ending process, you should always want more. Set a goal, reach it, and then set another. One day you're happily single, then you want to fall in love, start a family, and live happily ever after; so, it's a non-ending process as well.
Being thankful and aspiring for a better everything are not mutually exclusive, people just get mixed up and confused sometimes. We get so anxious, ambitious, and impatient when we want something we don't have, we're only humans after all. We wish for something that we want, and we work for it, and we fear it's not meant to come to us, and sometimes people grow restless and lose their faith; that's where it usually goes wrong.
It's said that when you say a prayer to God and ask for something, one of three things happens: God gives you what you asked for, God gives you something better, or God delays your prayer for a better time only he knows. It's also said that prayers can change fate, can you believe that?! Then why lose faith?!
God has given us a huge chance to make our wishes come true, just pray..pray for what you want, what more would anyone need?!
All been said, it's not easy to walk the walk. I myself had some trouble with believing what I'm saying, like I had lost my way temporarily. But then, no matter how lost you get, you'd always find it in your heart to find your way back. I realized, facing my life with an attitude won't give me what I want; actually, if anything it's putting a wide distance between me and it.
Change, cope, adapt, whatever it is called, whatever you manage to do, just as long you find your way, find it in your heart to believe that it'll come to you..everything you wish for will come to you. It'll come in its own perfect time; and if it doesn't come, something better will.

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