Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dreams,dreams, and more dreams!!!

I don't think there's one person in this world who does not dream. That's the thing about dreams, whether or not they come true, you just can’t live without them. And dreams aren’t just those you see in your deepest sleep, dreams are every thought you have that’s out of the ordinary or unreal as it might be. That’s what I believe dreams are.

Some people think that dreaming is a bad thing, but I strongly disagree. Dreaming opens up your mind to things you never otherwise would have thought possible, and that's what pushes us forward. You may wonder here, where is forward?! That’s the thing, your dreams can tell you what’s next, where to go, and how far you can reach. Now, if you don’t dream, how else would you know all that?!

Whether you dream in your sleep, or you day-dream, or just drift away with your thoughts, while you do that you are in an extremely clear state of mind which makes your mind and heart wide open to imagine how your life could be, to explore every route possible for you to take without having to regret taking the wrong one. You can dream your whole life with a person to see if it’s gonna work or not, picture yourself in the career you’re heading to and see if you’re gonna make it there. What’s even better is that in your dreams you can be with the ones you love who are long gone and you can’t be with them otherwise. I mean, how cool is this?!

Dreams can never go wrong, there you live the perfect life, then you can wake up or snap back to reality and try making your life as perfect as this dream you just had. And worst case scenario; if you can’t just make that happen, you can always dream it again.

I just don’t understand how some people find that to be a bad thing?!

If I can ever try to see their point of view, I think they are just afraid that they would be drifted away so far with their thoughts that their dreams will be so difficult to come true and they’d be disappointed with their lives for not living up to the quality of their dream lives. This is some sort of fear of failure which we all have with no exceptions. No matter how little accomplishments you did, you just hold on tight so scared you’d lose them. Well, we all have this feeling inside just scaled; some have just a little bit of it and some have it magnified. But it’s this tiny moment where you manage let go of that fear that you can dream, only then you can accomplish even more.

I’m not saying that there’s no failures and major setbacks in this world, there are quite some of these, but are they enough reason for us to be frozen where we are?! Because that’s what you become when you stop dreaming, when you think you’ve reached the end, the top of the mountain, and that there’s nowhere else to go. There’s always more, better in everything, and it’s not wrong or greedy to ask for it. As long as you work hard for what you’ve got, it’s never wrong to ask for more and work for it. Dreams give you a very good vision of what to ask for, they are you deepest desires, if you don’t listen to those, whom are you going to listen to?!

Some of us do dream wild, just let their head go far away from reality, that’s not a bad thing either as long as they do not expect these dreams to come true by themselves. If you want something bad, you’ve to work for it. Life doesn’t offer free gifts; everything we get is paid for with work, energy, and just a little bit of luck. Because after all, we know that not all wishes come true, they don’t just when they are not meant to be.

When you have a dream you don’t know at all if it’s meant to come true or not, so you work and work even more to try making it happen and if it’s not meant to be true, along the way you’ll find the other path you should take, another version of your dream, maybe even a different dream entirely. But the point is, you won’t feel let down or disappointed you dream didn’t come true because that old dream isn’t even yours anymore.

I’m no expert in these things, you might even not believe a word I’ve said, but everything I said is coming from my experience of near failure. When I thought I lost everything and that what I messed up cannot be fixed, I was wrong, I did fix it all just by having another dream different than the one I had five years ago.

Yes, time changes everything, experience and human interaction changes things. You grow up not just by aging, but also by learning from others as well as your own experiences. As long as you let yourself dream, you’ll let your life take the correct course it should, as long as you don’t let yourself be frozen in one place that just might not be the right one for you, as long as you keep your heart open and you mind clear, you’ll have a great life free of regrets. But remember, nothing of this will go right without faith in God and all the great things held in store for people who believe and work as God ordered us to.

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