Thursday, July 29, 2010


Today i feel like writing about Achievement, the feeling of accomplishment, because just today i know what it feels like.
All my life I've been an A-student, always ahead of people my age, always knew more, it's mainly because of how i was raised. Loosing my dad at a very young age made the whole family treat me differently, in a good way though, i carried a very big responsibility of being the center of attention and focal point of the entire family, but that never bothered me even when i was a lot younger. I always felt i had to be better, to do better, to make my mom proud and make the whole world look at her and think: "look at that woman who's raised a girl all by herself and what a good girl she is" i wanted to see that in the eyes of friends and family when they look at mom, i wanted and i did. All the time i could hear people say how strong and brave my mom is and what a great job she's done raising me. I with a BSc. in Engineering who's never done anything wrong, no bad boyfriend, late night out, smoking, not even a bad grade, today i taste accomplishment. Today i truly made all my family proud and now my daddy can rest in peace.
All along my life i wanted to become an engineer, though they all saw me as a doctor with my glasses and all but i had my eyes on the goal. Every time i pass by the college i say here's where i belong, years and years of dreaming till i finally got in, and now i graduate making my life's dream a reality which i can see for myself alongside all my loved ones who showered me with more love today than i can ever dream of.
That's what you get when you do something right, that's how it feels, extreme happiness fills your heart from the inside out and it radiates and shows all over you face, like your jumping and flying while your feet are on the ground. No matter how well i describe this, no one can ever come to realize what my words truly mean unless he's done it, unless he's tasted it, it's success i'm talking about, achievement, realizing your goals and getting to the destination you had planned for yourself. It feels like with God's blessing, you've done it, you've reached where you planned..God has given you what you asked for, so you must have done something right.
That's how i feel right now, that's the feeling of recipe for unlimited happiness.
So, whenever you feel like that in your life, make sure you share it with the people you love and care about. Make sure you thank everyone who has helped you during you journey, make sure you try to return all the favors because showing gratitude will bring you more and more happiness. Work hard and work for a goal, cause they are so good when you reach them!